Ynglŷn â'r Clwstwr
Cluster Lead - Dr Charlotte Reilly
GP Practices in Bridgend West
The Bridgend West Network is one of three community network areas in Bridgend. There are three practices which operate in the Bridgend West cluster area
Heathbridge House
Porthcawl Group Practice
The Surgery (North Cornelly)
The West Cluster Network is the smallest of the networks including a cluster of three GP practices, one of which is a training practice serving a population of 34,300. The cluster network estate includes three main practices and two branch surgeries. The West Cluster Network area contains four Nursing and six Residential Homes. There are eight community pharmacies and five dental practices. The network covers a high proportion of elderly residents in parts and although some areas of affluence exist, there are a number of areas of high deprivation. Porthcawl is also a holiday resort and is home to a large static caravan park.
What we are working on?
The cluster network current projects include:
- Chronic Disease Nurse for housebound patients: in order to provide a person-centred, holistic approach to the management and education of patients with chronic morbidities.
- First Contact physio: working in conjunction with the Physiotherapy Department at CTM UHB the service provides physiotherapy sessions within GP practices, which aims to improve access and outcomes for patients, avoiding the need for patients to travel to hospital sites for the initial assessment.
- Two cluster pharmacists and a technician: roles undertaken include monitoring patients on drugs such as DOAC’s and the green inhaler project.
- Children and Young People Resilience’ project: Cluster funded resilience and mindfulness sessions being delivered to year 10 pupils in Porthcawl and Cynnffig comprehensive school
- Increased access and signposting to voluntary services through identification of third sector champion in each Practice.
Individual Cluster Plans and Reports
Bridgend West Cluster Plan 2018-2021
Bridgend West Cluster Network Action Plan 2017/20